A new venture for me using a Burda pattern from their magazine. Just a well I like doing jigsaws as picking out the correct line to follow isn’t the easiest job in the world and it wasn’t immediately clear that the seam and hem allowances were not included. Luckily i added a bit extra just in case



After selecting the smallest pattern of those on offer as its for a 5 year old, I found the instructions nice and straight forward so construction is going fine.
It did not say at what point to draw on the spider web patterns so I am chosing to do it before the final seams are done.IMG_0162
I tried with a fabric marker but the darned thing dried up very quickly and I couldn’t get it to work again so I changed to a dylon puff marker which stated allow to dry for 4 hours. This meant working on a small bit at a time and brought sewing to a halt for a while. Still after a bit of practice , the results are quite reasonable.
In the mean time I made a couple of presents for some Fb friends
Cottage t  cosy

Cottage t cosy


Spider man costume for a 5 year old

Spider man costume for a 5 year old